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Juniper Certification Materials
JNCIA-JunosJuniper Networks Certified Associate - Junos
JNCIA-MistAIJuniper Networks Certified Specialist Mist AI, Associate
JNCIA-SECJuniper Networks Certified Associate Security
JNCIP-ENTJuniper Networks Certified Internet Professional ENT
JNCIP-SECJuniper Networks Certified Internet Professional SEC
JNCIP-SPJuniper Networks Certified Internet Professional SP
JNCIS-MistAIJuniper Networks Certified Specialist MistAI
JNCIS-SECJuniper Networks Certified Specialist Security
JNCIS-SPJuniper Networks Certified Internet Specialist SP
Juniper Exams Training
JN0-103 Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos)
JN0-104 Junos, Associate (JNCIA-Junos)
JN0-211 Cloud, Associate
JN0-230 Security, Associate (JNCIA-SEC)
JN0-250 Mist AI, Associate (JNCIA-MistAI)
JN0-334 Security, Specialist
JN0-348 Enterprise Routing and Switching, Specialist
JN0-362 Service Provider Routing and Switching, Specialist
JN0-450 Mist AI, Specialist
JN0-635 Security, Professional
JN0-648 Enterprise Routing and Switching, Professional (JNCIP-ENT)
JN0-663 Service Provider Routing and Switching, Professional (JNCIP-SP)


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Karen Helena

Born equal

I used to dream that not everybody is born equal, especially after the Juniper exams results, where i was always at the bottom of the high achiever's list, that always makes me unhappy until my elder brother told me about Testking and trust me it worked fine, all of queries were well sorted. Previously i never picked the question properly, that was the major con. Testking helped me a lot and trusts me it's more than just the guide it's the actual solution required in your exams and you won't ever need anything else in your life again if you have used this once!
Fisher king


In my schooling life, i used to keep folders to carry my papers, most of times it was really hard to keep as there were too many papers to keep, and I used to write solutions on papers. One day i was surfing on the internet and i found this amazing Testking, it was so well organized that it not only helps me in my Juniper exams but it also gives me relevant links to the topics i am working at, life is becoming automated, it's difficult to keep paper works and if u want to get rid of this tiring job get Testking!
Berne Abbes

Pillow fight

I was an orphan and worked in a bar to support expenses, there was a pillow fight organized by the admin which had a disclaimer of passing Juniper exams in able to participate in an event. i was very excited and always wanted to enter in such competitions though i have only studied till grade 8 i never had a clue what type of exam could it be, my friend Kate advised me to have a quick look at Testking and trust me it worked, i was very thankful, i passed my Juniper exams and eventually won the competition by beating my best friend Kate!
Ashley Clark


Every person has a curtain in his life with which he hides himself from the world, for me studies were that curtain especially Juniper exams, i was very weak at it. Till the last year i used to pass my exams on the border line and i always had a feeling of being screwed up. Last month my friend Arnold advised me to seek assistance from Testking and trust me it worked, now not only i passed my Juniper exams with flying colors but my friends came to me for help, now i can proudly say that Testking has lifted my curtains up!
Chuck Norris


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